Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What's it like in New York City? ;

I want to know, too (:
That's why we will be trying to "persuade" our parents to take us to NY possibly for a few days in the summer. 'Us' meaning K, A and Na. So this is somewhat exciting. On top of that, the JB will be there in NY for their album release. Maybe we could run into them? hahah. I really want to see a Broadway production. That would be pretty fun. Ah, I need something to talk about... I kind of just made this post because I'm so bored, and we hardly post here anymore. Well, we do.. but not as often.
So C burnt me today.. and we saw a play during school...

Okay so last night I was reading AGaskarth's old blogs, and holy crap THEY'RE SO GOOD/SMART! It's weird... lmao. He has such a way with words, and has such interesting thoughts. I bet Joe would have a strange blog. He has the worst grammar anyway. :)
Here you go: AGaskarth's Blogs

Since this was the stupidest post I've made in a while, I apologize, and I promise the next one won't be so stupid. hahah.


meant to be.

i swear it is.

so we havnt been posting lately, lol, guess we've been busy. so heres a story from school.

so today in English, we are working on a grammar worksheet that has to do with possessive and we were supposed to highlight the important stuff, but normally i just skim it. so today i was only half reading it. so you know how there are like example sentences or whatever i was looking at them and i say an J then an O and N and A and a S and then i was like ahh! and i had to show my friend, but she was just like "yeah."

so the sentence was like Was that Jonas's dog? or sumthing. hahahaaa

well that was all.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

NEW SONG! and Miley Topless???

heyy its K

so we all hung out yesterday and we were together all day...

We had so much fun and N got my cd signed by ATL (yessss)

but anyway....bad news first, more like just gross news....
Miley Cyrus seems to be "breakout"(breaking out) of her HM shell...Looks like she wants to move on..considering her recently leaked pics with boyfriend Thomas...

Miley lets clean it up a should get some good publicity! Like a MAGAZINE COVER!

no not like that...

The Boys recently went to the White House for a nice dinner! How excited do you think joe must have been!?

But they looked so GOOD especially with Nick's new haircut!! xD Kevin just looks so put together!

and last but not least, this is actually the best and latest news that we got SOOO excited about!!

drum rollll.....NEW SONG

Kung Fu Grip

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Really quick;

Omg, okay so since I don't feel like typing it again, this is copied&pasted from CUF@livejournal.

So my friend's dad (M)works with kid's television shows. He's on IMDB. Anyway, so today during class, she tells me that her dad is in LA working with the JB and other Disney stars. I think it was only Selena Gomez..... and maybe Moises Arias, idk for one of his kids shows that he does. I'm not exactly sure which show right now, but I can find out tomorrow lol. Then after school her dad calls her and PUTS JOSEPH ON THE PHONE. I was just walking around the school getting ready to go to rehearsal and I hear "esjdkjfdka HEY JOE!" You have no idea how bad I flipped out~ She talked to Joe twice, and kids were sucking up to her that hate the jb. You know, like "OMG IF THEY CALLED ME, I'D SCREAM!" and shit like that. That was actually the most obnoxious part of this whole thing, but screw them. lol. She knows that we (K, A, Na, and I etc.) are the biggest fans in the school, so she was being nice to us and stuff, and she sent me a picture that her dad took off his phone.
So yeah, it was pretty cool.

She told Joe that we wanted him for some charity thing, aka the possible benefit concert for diabetes. K should come on here and post about it, I think. :]
But it's so insane thinking that a) we were standing next to someone talking to Joe on the phone and b) Joseph actually knows about the charity thing now. woahh.

So I'll leave you with that.



We've totally been lacking on the posts lately, so.. sorry.
It's not like there's anyone I'm apologizing to anyway, but yeah~
All of us have been kind of busy with tech week for the play, and homework. I'm so exhausted right now, it's not even funny. Not that anyone was laughing... omg okay I'll stop with the stupid humor. SO ANYWAY. During English today some people and I were talking about how the world is supposed to end in 2012. I don't believe that AT ALL. Not to mention it's really freaky to think about. Although, K claims it'd be a good time to blow up because we're seniors. hahaha. But anyway, then we started talking about dimensions, like 2D, 3D, and then 4D. And as I'm typing this, I'm looking up 4D+ explanations on YouTube, and OMFGITSSOCONFUSING. Okay, I really should go to bed because this post is absolutely pointless, and I've gotten less than 7 hours of sleep in 48 hours. But I just thought I should post because I probably won't for a while with this ~busy week ahead.

I really miss the JB. They haven't been doin' stuff lately, which I think they need to. *cough*newyoutubevideo *cough*

This cold I have really needs to go away.
No, really. I have a cold.


X's & O's

oh & happy birthday zack merrick. party it up in new yrk, kay?
and have fun on TRL tomorrow. :]

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Raise up your hands in the air and scream.

Well, today is the 19th. And you know what that means. Not only is it my 13 years and 8 month birthday, but Camp Rock's 'We Rock' music video is premiering on Disney Channel. Woohoo! :]
Personally, though, I think they are started way too early. Yes- I know they have to keep fans entertained and wanting more, but come on TWO MONTHS before.
Whatever. I am still super happy to see joe dancing like a crazy HSM star. lol

Have fun watching it.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Story of my life. I swear, I procrastinate every single day. Whether it be homework, a chore, or just something I was supposed to do/get for a friend, it happens. I have a problem with getting stuff done when I'm supposed to. But I still get my work done on time, and my grades are still fine. It's always been the same with projects too. I've always done them a night before.

I'm only writing this because I'm doing my french right now, and I really don't want to.
But anyway.. I'm trying to think of something worth writing about.

I made a website for the JB Crew. I made it on iWeb on my mac real quick, so it's not done.
Maybe we'll think about expanding this whole website thing.
Wouldn't that be weird if our website got semi ~famous in the Jonas community, and people came to this blog and read our old pointless posts? Hm. Strange.

I just found out that ATL is playing Jasey Rae @ their acoustic set, and I'm SO FREAKING HAPPY. Like OMFG#^*$(Q@.

Kay I'm done.
Back to homework. O_O
Oh & sorry for editing your post A. I'm kind picky about the way this whole thing looks.
We can't having it looking like the JB fan club message boards~

yeah. kay bye. :]


I <3 CAMP!

AHHHHH! I am sooooooo excited for this movie to come out.




*edit by N. sorry, this post looked really weird with all the H's and the O's. Had to fix it. hahah. :]

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Gobble Gobble

A here! Long time; no post. Well, K told me that I needed to post when I got to where I was going. And I am here. In Minnesota. And I am posting.....

What to talk about...... well when we, my family and I, were coming out of Old Navy, Take on Me came on and I started singing at the top of my lungs and my mom looked at me like how in the world do you know this song? hahaha yeaa. Well today I went to the Mall Of America, which is HUGEE. It has some nice shops but I didnt feel the need to buy anything. I went to Urban and found this TMNT [teenage mutant ninja turtles] shirt that Miley wore in one of her weird youtube videos. Wait... maybe it was Selena or Demi, whatever IDK. Well I think I have to go... I only posted cuz K told me to.

If your wondering what the picture is there for.... well idk I just like it.... lol


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Long time no see;

Well I haven't posted in quite a while.

Maybe it's because I feel as if the past few months have gone by so fast, and I hardly remember anything... Maybe I should start living in the NOW instead of looking to the FUTURE. I mean, I know that whenever I have a JB concert to look forward to, everything moves quicker, but maybe I just don't want things to move quicker? I have no idea. Since there's only 141 days or something until High School, maybe living every moment until then would be smart. My brain
 hurts. I only have 17 days until ATL again, and only 89 days until JB. Ew, that's a long time. I guess we have to ~share with the Europeans since we've had JB for a few years now. It's just weird seeing them going to different countries and performing and stuff, idk. 
Since this post is completely random, maybe I should add how I'm kind of a stalker now. Well, A and I. K thinks it's freaky. You know you're thankful for those numbers I gave you today. ;D

This week has been so long, even though it's only Tuesday. If tomorrow wasn't our last day of the week, idk what I'd do. I'd probably take advantage of my sickness and sleep one day or something. But with all this crap in math class lately, I probably couldn't afford another sick day. Soo, tomorrow is a half day. And now I have to go to dance.

X's & O's

pS; I love Garbo's new little cousin. And look at him, ahh! :]

Monday, April 7, 2008

breaking up?, just BURNING up

hey its K!
i just wanted to clear the air, THEY ARE NOT BREAKING UP.......for the 3 ppl who like check this out...just stop, it was fake....thats it....

but anyway i was sick today, ya home from school so i only have to go tomorrow and wednesday which btw is a half day so =D its like a 1 1/2 day week for me! ugh but i have a ridiculous test tomorrow....

w.e =

love much!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

site? Re: 3:16

heyy its K!
So we are still waiting on a site and I know we want to keep this a little more personal for our life but if were actually ganna try the whole fansite thing we have to keep up with the news and stuff so I'm just going to start by saying, ya i dont think anyone is actually reading this, but w.e, Camp rock is a hot topic so lets give the details.....
April 6th, TODAYY camp rock preveiw
April 19th at six o'clock or later
June 17th, on demand release
June 20th, disney channel release
August 19th, dvd release

btw A your room is CLEAN do NOT mess it up

and guys check out All Time Low =]

Love much! K

Saturday, April 5, 2008


UGHHHH K- YOU ARE A CLEAN FREAKK!!!! seriously.......... your saying you cant handle my room..
for everyone else -she is cleaning my room at 3 in the morning on a sat ..she thinks its 'messy' {whatever} .. It all started cuz I wanted to put some JB posters up. i guess ill explain laterr


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Sorry; Again

hahaha. what kind of loser am i?
I have written THREE posts today. THREE! hahaaa
anyways, the reason for this new post is that I just read almost all of garbo's posts from since he started. I guess you could say I am lonely or just bored or maybe lazy. I learned a few things.... too many to share here, but one that I feel is necessary---at one point you could leave comments....----i am jealous of those people who left them when they had the chance. I also wondered which of Garbo's family/friends began giving his blog to the wildest crazed jonas fans of the world. I'll have to ask N where she found it...... my guess is livejournal-just a prediction....

So now, I am sitting in my room listening to the stripped version of ALBL when I havnt even started my math or english which is actually HORRIBLE because it is due in less than twelve hours. I am noticing that Nick sounds very sick in this stripped song..... i feel bad for him, well its over and it was very enjoyable...oooohhh goodnight&goodbye stripped is on now :D. anyways while listening to the stripped performances I learned that their new cd will be GREEN; the packaging is green..... WYLMITE is on now... again Nick sounds sick.. :o awwwwwww.... well i have to go. as garbo says....

*Remember, if you’re early, you’re on time. if you’re on time, you’re late.
And if you’re late, you’re poned.

So according to Gregory Garbowsky I would be considered poned. big time.


I am someone who knows someone who sat next to kevin, nick and joe on a roller coaster

A again...sorry to post so soon after my probably boring post but guess what.. I CANT BELIEVE I FORGOT.. kinda---so anyways....
At school, in gym, K and I are sitting down as usual and all of the sudden AJ comes and is like "A, you're in my seat." and I was like "umm. sorry but I am not moving....." so he just sits down next to me... then K is like "have you been here all week?", and at the same time AJ and I answer, but I said no and AJ said "yes, but I ditched all my classes." Of course, K, being the smart person she is, believed me. ANYWAYSSS, onto the point. AJ then said. I met the Jonas Brothers and we are like hahahaa funnny and hes like no really and Im like where and hes like I went on the Hulk with them, and we, being the stalkers we are, knew that they had actually gone on the hulk earlier.... so we started like freaking out and asking a million questions. We came to the conclusion that he actually did sit behind them... which is amazing!!!!!!! :D we were so like #@!$#@$ exstatic about the whole thing.... here are the pics.

This is the ride that AJ was on... do you see him?? I don't either......
This is a new one I found today...... Thats def. NOT AJ in the back though. HAHAHa. anyways... E N J O Y!



Ha. yea its pretty sad; thats what I am feeling. K&N are both at a concert...
NOT A JB CONCERT OF COURSE. CUZ ID BE THERE, but an All time Low concert. Of course they invited me but I could not go because there would be complications with other Jonas Concerts....long story. Anyways on to the JONAS news.or stuff. whatever.

Well, what should I share.... oh yes :D
Garbo's new post. HAAAAA! who would keep a convo with a total stranger going on iChat. HA Its hilarious. please CHECK IT OUT.
Kevin's nose thing..... weird. On every show they have been on, Kevin has done this thing where he like scratches his nose before the end. N and I feel this has to be a sign..... hmmmmmm
Well. I guess I should start my homework :( ugh.

bye :[