Thursday, April 3, 2008

I am someone who knows someone who sat next to kevin, nick and joe on a roller coaster

A again...sorry to post so soon after my probably boring post but guess what.. I CANT BELIEVE I FORGOT.. kinda---so anyways....
At school, in gym, K and I are sitting down as usual and all of the sudden AJ comes and is like "A, you're in my seat." and I was like "umm. sorry but I am not moving....." so he just sits down next to me... then K is like "have you been here all week?", and at the same time AJ and I answer, but I said no and AJ said "yes, but I ditched all my classes." Of course, K, being the smart person she is, believed me. ANYWAYSSS, onto the point. AJ then said. I met the Jonas Brothers and we are like hahahaa funnny and hes like no really and Im like where and hes like I went on the Hulk with them, and we, being the stalkers we are, knew that they had actually gone on the hulk earlier.... so we started like freaking out and asking a million questions. We came to the conclusion that he actually did sit behind them... which is amazing!!!!!!! :D we were so like #@!$#@$ exstatic about the whole thing.... here are the pics.

This is the ride that AJ was on... do you see him?? I don't either......
This is a new one I found today...... Thats def. NOT AJ in the back though. HAHAHa. anyways... E N J O Y!